Welcome to Year 6
This is an important year for your child in many ways. This is their last year at Primary School, and as such, we hope that they will end the year with the skills and confidence to excel at Secondary School and beyond.
No doubt this year there will be academic achievements, but these outcomes are easier for your child to achieve if we work together to meet their learning needs.
Organisation, Independence and Confidence
This year we will help your child to become more independent and organised. Children are equipped at the beginning of the year with a spelling record book and a reading record book. Please help your child by keeping these up to date and ensuring they have them in school every day.
Through using these simple techniques your child will develop confidence in their own organisation and will become more independent. These are all essential skills for Secondary Education.
Homework, Reading and Spelling expectations
Your child will be expected to complete approximately 30 minutes homework each evening and return the work to school the following day. Homework set is usually related to work that we are doing in class.
Please also ensure that your child ‘reads’ and ‘reads to you’ at regular intervals throughout the week. Through the act of reading together we are not just helping children to decode new words, but we can ensure that they understand the text they are reading through questioning.
The children will be taught spellings through a systematic spelling programme Read Write Inc. Spelling. This will enable them to spell new words correctly and give them plenty of practice in spelling these new words, including exception words and homophones. The children will bring home the spellings that they have been learning in a spelling log book and they will be encouraged to share these at home with you.
Topic Overviews and Class Information Letters
Please refer to the correct term’s topic overview and information letter for an up to date look at the curriculum and how to help in each term.
Within the year there will be two Parents’ Evenings, but if you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress then please contact me.
I would like to thank you in advance for the support that you give your child in their education and I very much look forward to working with you and your child. Together we will ensure that they have a positive experience of school, and that when they leave in July they are ready to succeed as Secondary School pupils.
Thank you
Mr Cross