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Welcome to Year 5

What an exciting year we have ahead of us!  Based on the school vision in Year 5 we have agreed on our very own Class Charter.

In Year Five we will:

  • Try our very best
  • Encourage others and work as a team
  • Be kind, respectful and polite
  • Learn from our mistakes
  • Listen carefully and follow instructions
  • Have fun and always work hard!

Homework, Reading and Spelling expectations

Each week Year Five homework will be set on Monday and we ask that it is returned to school completed by Thursday morning.  Homework set is related to work that we are doing in class and consists of weekly spellings from the Read Write Inc. Spelling programme, a maths and a reading task.  Please also ensure that your child reads their reading book every night.

The children need to bring their reading book into school every day as we listen to readers at every available chance.  In class we have a set of ‘Recommended Reads’ that your child is encouraged to borrow throughout the year and I have a ‘Starbooks’ card to promote reading for pleasure.  More information to follow!

Topic Overviews and Class Information Letters

Please refer to the correct term’s topic overview and newsletter for an up to date overview of the curriculum and how to help your child during the term.

There will be two Parents’ Evenings over the course of Year Five but if you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress then please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office or catch me on the playground at the end of the day.

Thank you for your ongoing support and I hope to meet you all soon.

Mrs Wilson
