The Governing Body
Governing Bodies are the strategic decision makers and vision setters in every school. They are a board of volunteers and have three core functions:
To ensure…
- clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- the highest educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
- the financial performance of the school, making sure its money is well spent.
Our Governors
Our Governing Body comprises:
- 7 Foundation Governors – appointed by St Gabriel’s Church PCC
- 2 Parent Governors – elected by the parents of the children who attend the school
- 1 Local Authority Governor – appointed by the Local Authority in Blackburn
- 1 Staff Governor – chosen by the staff at St Gabriel’s school
Parent Governors are elected, as required, when existing terms of office come to an end. All parents are informed of the opportunity to stand for election at the appropriate time. The Headteacher is an ex-officio member of the Governing Body.
Our Governors meet at least once a term for the Full Governing Body meeting. In addition there are separate committees which also meet once a term to discuss areas of greater focus: Admissions, Finance & Premises, Curriculum, Headteacher’s Performance.
As Governors, how do we provide support to ensure continuous improvement at St Gabriel’s School?
- We offer support and challenge to the Senior Leadership Team of our school.
- We are involved in implementing our school’s future development and direction.
- We seek to uphold the strong Christian ethos of our school and deepen the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all its children.
- We have high expectations of what our children can achieve, irrespective of background or special needs.
- We are accountable for the performance of our school and we monitor data and progress accordingly, along with financial management and fiscal planning.
- Governing Body Membership September 2024
- Governors’ Declaration of Interest September 2024
- Governors’ Attendance 2024-25
- Governors’ Attendance 2023-24