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Parents Evening – Autumn Term 2015

Our Autumn term Parents’ Evening is an opportunity for teachers to meet with you and discuss your child/ren’s progress and attitude to learning during the first term in their new year group.  It is especially important in Reception to discuss how your children have settled into school.  Parents’ Evening will be held over two nights on Tuesday 20th October and Thursday 22nd October.  Appointments will be for 5 minutes.  If you have any concerns which you feel cannot be addressed in five minutes please do not wait for the parents’ evening but contact your child’s class teacher for a separate appointment as soon as possible.

All staff will see parents in the school hall.  Please gain admission to school through the main school entrance for Reception, Y1 and Y2 and the junior entrance for all junior classes.

Since the hall is in use there is nowhere for children to wait.  If children have to attend with parents they will need to stay with parents throughout the evening.


Reply slips have been sent home with your child.  If you have more than one child in school, please ensure you put all your children’s names on one slip – this makes allocating times easier.

Slips should be returned no later than Monday 12th OctoberTime slots are arranged as soon as slips are received back.  Late returns cannot always be accommodated.